So you want a new website…

Whenever I’m asked to write copy for someone’s website I always say the same thing, which is why I’ve created this page…

Yes I can help you, but your starting point shouldn’t be to write copy specifically for a website. Instead, you need to start by writing copy which can be used across all your materials.

The ideal structure of a website, the SEO required and the CTAs needed, mean that if you jump straight into writing website copy, when you come to writing a sales deck or social ad in the future you’ll be starting again from scratch.

You won’t have your key messages, brand story, or top-line benefits clearly articulated in a way that works across multiple materials and channels.

Here’s what to do instead…

You can save yourself a lot of time and confusion further down the line if you start by creating a central messaging framework.

This is a document to guide all your writing going forward (websites, brochures, ads etc.). It includes answers to the following questions...

  1. Why do we exist?

  2. What do we do and provide?

  3. How do we do it?

  4. Who do we do it for?

  5. What are the benefits?

  6. What don’t we do?

  7. What makes us special?

  8. Why should you buy?

Where I come in…

1. In order to write a central messaging framework I have a brand complete this document (it’s a template so some questions change but you get the idea).

2. We then have a 30-minute chat (it normally doesn’t take much longer). I come to that chat with any further questions and challenges I might have, and some initial thoughts on how I think you can communicate your offering better. 

3. I then start writing a clear brand story which forms the basis for all writing going forward. This story (which tends to be around 150-200 words) is an observation of the world around you (i.e. the feelings people go through when dealing with the problem you solve, or what they’re looking for / can’t find until they meet you), the effects of that observation, and why your brand exists as a result.

I share this story with you before continuing to write the rest of the central messaging framework, just to make sure you’re happy with the direction. 

4. Once the framework is done and you’re happy with it, I move to the website and tailor the copy for your key pages.

In doing this initial framework you now have all the copy you’ll need to communicate clearly and consistently across multiple materials and channels, not just your website.

How much does this all cost?


This includes copy for your 4-5 key pages (Home, Services, Benefits, How it works, About us). 

If you have numerous website pages which need copy or editing - i.e. you host a number of events and want copy for event descriptions too - then it may cost more.

All sound sensible and ready for a chat? Get in touch.

Some recent websites I’ve written…

Click on the image to see the full website.