Charles Hayes' Home Truths

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Everyone, this is Charles. Why ask him for his Home Truths?

Cos he’s big brother - always full of good information and suggestions (see below for example).

1. The song to put a smile on your face…

It’s got to be ‘Layla’, but for this, Eric Clapton’s Derek and the Dominos version. Growing up we all loved Clapton’s acoustic on the Unplugged album. It was the go-to album the minute there was a gathering around the island in the kitchen. But I recently rediscovered the original, and for its sheer exuberance and anguish, via a 7th century Arabian love story, it’s hard to beat. 

But you’ve got to listen to the whole thing as Clapton rounds it out and the song resolves itself (as does the story of unrequited love) with a warm melodious keyboard set. Otherwise it’s Two Little Boys, which Dad used to sing to my brother Hugh and me growing up.

2. You can only watch one film for the next three months… What is it?

Clearly Spy Game. Growing up as the Cold War was coming to a close, I think we were still aware of the continuing struggle for control of Central Europe (and that had started 300 years previous!) that provides the film’s central episodes. So that resonated. But the coolness, out-manoeuvring and ultimately empathy from Robert Redford’s character Nathan Muir continues for me to be aspirational and inspirational. Then there’s the small matter of the closing scene and the 912…

3. The TV series you want everyone to watch:

Now more than ever, Kenneth (Lord) Clark’s ‘Civilisation’, to really put things into perspective.  Clark’s also a man after my own heart with an eye for a great tweed.  

4. The book you most recommend to people:

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. Often recommended I’m sure, but none the poorer for it. Gibran’s writing is simple, humanitarian and sage, but above all a source of great comfort. If I can have another, it would be ‘The English and their History’ by Robert Tombs. The two combined take you a long way on a journey of self-discovery, and understanding who you really are. 

5. The subject you’ve put off exploring that’s now top of your to-do list: 

Scarification. So intensely pleasing once you get into it. But phenomenally hard work. Now’s the time really to get on top of those jobs you thought were beyond you. It turns out that with some help from those nice fellows on the ‘YouTube’, amazon and ScrewFix, there is literally not one single job that is now out of reach. 

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6. The wild card you wish more people knew about… 

Melvyn (Lord) Bragg’s ‘In Our Time’. Which I don’t suppose comes as much of a surprise in the context of the above. But on a lighter note Max Boyce, for his humour and strength of heart. 

7. We’re allowed dinner parties again… What are you cooking?

Definitely lobo. Probably as a chaser. On the side. With rib of beef. 

8. Everything’s back open. What’s the first coffee shop, restaurant or pub you’re visiting?

The Royal Oak in Bishopstone. A proper community pub serving the very best of Wiltshire, and which I can get to without leaving a bye-way…

P.S. What you know now, that you wish you knew then…

The inspiration that the natural environment and quiet faith can provide. In that context I comment the Naval prayer: ‘Go forth into the world in peace; Be of good courage, Hold fast that which is good, Render to no man evil for evil. Strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak, Help the afflicted, Honour all men…’

C’est fini... Now what?

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