Becca Stern's Home Truths

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Everyone, this is Becca. Why ask her for her Home Truths?

Cos she co-founded Mustard - a brand behind some of the coolest lockers, storage, and general homeware bits you’ll find.

1. The song to put a smile on your face…

Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles. I walked down the aisle to it and my sons sing it to me now.

2. You can only watch one film for the next three months… What is it?

Love Rosie. I watched it last week for Mother’s Day and it makes me laugh and cry. All the fuzzy feelings!

3. The TV series you want everyone to watch:

Mad Men. It’s beautiful and captivating, plus there are loads of seasons to watch!

4. The book you most recommend to people:

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. I really enjoyed reading it and my curious minded 10-year-old just finished it. Such a great story of the beginnings of Nike, with some great business lessons along the way.

5. The subject you’ve put off exploring that’s now top of your to-do list:

Not so much a subject, but we finally got a cubby house built in our garden after years of promising the kids. I’m more in love with it than they are I think! 

6. The wild card you wish more people knew about… 

I love the podcast Terrible Thanks For Asking. It’s presented by Nora who lost her husband, Dad and a baby in a very short space of time. She explores peoples’ hardest moments with such compassion, warmth and emotional intelligence. I recommend starting from the beginning and having tissues. It makes me feel more human.

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7. We’re allowed dinner parties again… What are you cooking?

I’m super lucky, my husband is a massive foodie and he enjoys cooking most days but I love a big feast of Indian food! A stack of onion bhajis, lime pickle, popadoms and all the rice and curries! 

8. Everything’s back open. What’s the first coffee shop, restaurant or pub you’re visiting?

Scotties, a local restaurant where we go for all our happy occasions.

P.S. What you know now, that you wish you knew then…

I think we have all underestimated how much capacity there is for change. When visionaries or protesters demand changes we are quick to squash these ideas as not possible because things are just the way they are. Now we have all seen that enormous and fundamental change is possible and it can happen when there is the will to achieve something.

C’est fini... Now what?

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