Charlie Bowring's Home Truths

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Everyone, this is Charlie. Why ask her for her Home Truths? Cos she’s founder of The Wardrobe Workshop, a two-way platform showcasing unique independent fashion brands and reviving your pre-loved items. You should check it out.

1. The song to put a smile on your face…

Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac.

2. You can only watch one film for the next three months… What is it?

LOL embarrassing but… The Holiday.

3. The TV series you want everyone to watch:

Luther, Liar, The Capture… I have so many, I can’t choose one. And embarrassingly I have just started rewatching them.

4. The book you most recommend to people:

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts or The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joël Dicker.

5. The subject you’ve put off exploring that’s now top of your to-do list 

Nutrition - I am fascinated by nutrition so have ordered some books to read to get more of an insight - and embroidery - I have bought several embroidery kits to fill my time, I also plan to get back into drawing. I really miss life drawing so may get back into that… Just got to find myself someone who is keen to be a model lol.

6. The wild card you wish more people knew about… 

The High Low - a podcast by Pandora Sykes and Dolly Alderton. It’s hilarious.

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7. We’re allowed dinner parties again… What are you cooking?

Miso Salmon.

8. Everything’s back open. What’s the first coffee shop, restaurant or pub you’re visiting?

For coffee, Everbean on Avery Row in Mayfair. They do the best Oat Milk Latte. To eat, so tricky but think it has to be Artusi in Peckham.

P.S. What you know now, that you wish you knew then…

Morning coffee should be enjoyed. I have made sure to take time out in the mornings to drink my coffee. I have realised how important it is to take time to think about the day ahead. I would always just grab coffee on the go and then go through emails / Instagram at 1000 x an hour. I’ve realised this is no longer a good way to start the day.

C’est fini... Now what?

Read some more Home Truths from family, friends, or Founders. Not sure what’s going on here? Head to Home Truths to find out more.


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