Hector Hughes' Home Truths

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Everyone, this is Hector. Why ask him for his Home Truths?

Cos he co-founded Unplugged - a company building

beautiful off-grid cabins

within an hour of London.

1. The song to put a smile on your face…

SOS - ABBA. Bit of a guilty pleasure. ABBA can always get a smile out of me.

2. You can only watch one film for the next three months… What is it?

Blood Diamond. Some of Leo DiCaprio's earlier films are amazing. Toss up between that and The Departed.

3. The TV series you want everyone to watch:

I'm not up to date with TV I'm afraid... I've had many people tell me to watch Money Heist on Netflix, so I'd say give that a go!

4. The book you most recommend to people:

The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis. It tells the story of the remarkable friendship between Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, and how they revolutionised our understanding of Behavioural Economics. It's a fantastic read and also a real eye-opener into just how irrational we all are. Important stuff!

5. The subject you’ve put off exploring that’s now top of your to-do list:

Learning to write. I'm a lifetime dyslexia and a rubbish writer. I've done a decent job of keeping my writing to notes on the back of an envelope up until now, but can run from it no longer. I've started blogging and writing occasionally for Unplugged. Progress is slow but in the right direction...

6. The wild card you wish more people knew about… 

Transcendental Meditation. I learnt last summer and it's been truly life changing. It's got some stigma around it, and admittedly the four-day (4 x 1.5 hours) course to learn it feels a bit cult-like. BUT if you can get past that then the benefits are immense. 

Since starting I've found pretty much every area of my life markedly improve. And despite launching a business during a global pandemic, my stress levels are the lowest they've been for years. Highly recommended! 

7. We’re allowed dinner parties again… What are you cooking?

My lockdown cooking ran out of inspiration weeks ago, so I'll need to dig up some new recipes. Until then, I'll have to stick with pan-fried salmon and veg.

8. Everything’s back open. What’s the first coffee shop, restaurant or pub you’re visiting?

I can't wait for a good pub lunch! I'll be spending most of the summer in the countryside launching unplugged’s first off-grid cabin, so any country pub will do.

P.S. What you know now, that you wish you knew then…

The planet is pretty great at healing itself once we get out of the way. The canals are running clear in Venice, and towns in India can see the Himalayas for the first time in 30 years. It's amazing to see the pollution clearing all over the world after just a few weeks of lockdown; a sneak preview of what's possible!

C’est fini... Now what?

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