Rob Fink's Home Truths
Everyone, this is Rob. Why ask him for his Home Truths?
Cos he co-founded Big Drop - an alcohol-free craft beer that actually tastes good.
1. The song to put a smile on your face…
Question! - System of a Down. I'm a Rocker. And it ticks just about every Rock box there is. And some there aren't.
2. You can only watch one film for the next three months… What is it?
The Deer Hunter. I'm a sucker for American New Wave and it's just such an all-embracing film you can't help but come back to it. The wedding scene alone is a work of genius.
3. The TV series you want everyone to watch:
Ugly Delicious. It's basically an extended riff on the joy of food without much concern for structure or narrative but it's all the stronger for it.
4. The book you most recommend to people:
Fiction: Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. I've probably read it more times than any other book. For a seemingly so superficial story (some people decide to throw a party), it tells us more about human nature than many books ten times its length.
Non-fiction: The Gastronomical Me by M.F.K. Fisher. She wrote at a time when it was unusual (and even frowned upon) for a woman to eat in a restaurant alone. And she wrote for much of her time as an American in France. And she didn't give a fuck. Much like Ugly Delicious, it's a celebration of food without regard for any of the rubbish which so often surrounds it. And it's a lot more. Read it. Trust me.
5. The subject you’ve put off exploring that’s now top of your to-do list:
You must be joking? I have 2-year-old twins and a 5-year-old. Any spare time I might have had has disappeared completely.
I play drums though, and if I ever have any spare time ever again, I would spend it getting better at that.
6. The wild card you wish more people knew about…
I dare you to read The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton. One of the strangest and most wonderful books there is.
7. We’re allowed dinner parties again… What are you cooking?
Something you can do in one big pot with a couple of sides so you can concentrate on actually talking to people face to face for the first time in however long. Probably a lamb tagine. And some nice bread.
8. Everything’s back open. What’s the first coffee shop, restaurant or pub you’re visiting?
The Arcade Tavern in Ipswich. Our finest craft beer pub. See you soon Rosses.
P.S. What you know now, that you wish you knew then…
It is harder to teach multiplication to a 5-year-old than you think it is.
C’est fini... Now what?
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