Steph Friend's Home Truths
Everyone, this is Steph. Why ask her for her Home Truths? Cos she’s a future sis-in-law, a Queen of fancy dress parties, and currently nailing life as a mum.
1. The song to put a smile on your face…
Return to Innocence - Enigma. It brings back happy memories of our wedding day.
2. You can only watch one film for the next three months… What is it?
Cool Runnings. Full of fun, and a reminder that you should never give up on your dreams.
3. The TV series you want everyone to watch:
Game of Thrones. Its only fault was that it ended.
4. The book you most recommend to people:
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. It’s beautifully written, and one of the very few books I’ve read twice.
5. The subject you’ve put off exploring that’s now top of your to-do list
Growing vegetables in our garden is a new hobby of mine, and something I can do with the kids.
6. The wild card you wish more people knew about…
#IMomSoHard because these girls make me giggle about parenting.
7. We’re allowed dinner parties again… What are you cooking?
Bbq’d lamb with Greek salad and new potatoes. Simple yet satisfying!
8. Everything’s back open. What’s the first coffee shop, restaurant or pub you’re visiting?
The Bottle & Glass pub in Binfield Heath. This was also our last meal out before lockdown - eating freshly made pizza in their beer garden. Bliss.
P.S. What you know now, that you wish you knew then…
How to bake bread!
C’est fini... Now what?
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